I Quit Sugar: Simplicious Flow
Sarah Wilson
After liberating us from the health costs of processed food by helping us to quit sugar, Sarah Wilson now emboldens us to adopt ‘zero-waste’ cooking as the path to good health, creativity and an altogether more elegant life. During this shoot we had compost bins at hand, we reused every bit of left over food we could, either for cooking or even as props in the shots before it was eaten on set or shared amongst the businesses in our building. To be utterly honest, it’s friggin’ difficult to run a food photographic studio at zero-waste but the results were a real eye opener. Where, on other shoot, our waste levels were often as high as two large rubbish bags a day, on Sarah’s shoot we got it down to half a bag a week and that contained only things that we honestly couldn’t re-use or re-purpose like say the meat juice covered butcher’s paper.
Publisher- PanMacmillan
Sylist- Michelle Norianto
Food Prep- Peta Dent