Most often after taking someone’s portrait, as the images begin to appear on my large computer screen, they become quite self-conscious and sheepishly ask if I could remove a wrinkle here and there, give them a tan, or even make them taller. It’s normal. Seeing yourself up close on a big screen can be confronting and everyone wants to feel like they’re portraying the best versions of themselves.
Not Pete though, he’s not interested in modifying his appearance. I once asked him if he’d like me to soften the ‘crows feet’ wrinkles at the sides of his eye to which Pete replied “Nah, I like them. Its me!”.
What you see is what you get with Pete. When he’s on set he’s not there to waste anybody’s time. Pete gets the shots done, talks some surfing and then he’s off!
Stylists- Lucy Tweed & Jonno Flemming
Publisher- Plum Books